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Update Account

This API operation updates the basic account and profile information of an existing user.

URL / Endpoint

Need help with Postman?

PUT /v1/Account/Update

PUT /v1/Groups/Account/Update (See Group manager)


All of these parameters are optional. Only parameters that are supplied will be updated for the user.

Summary string The About You summary of the user's profile. Maximum 255 characters long.
Details string The About You details of the user's profile. Minimum 50 characters long.
RegionID integer The ID of the region in which the user is located. See GetRegions for a list of regions.
CountyID integer The ID of the county in which the user is located. See GetCounties for a list of counties.
Town string The name of the town or city in which the user is located. Maximum 50 characters.
PostCode string The Post Code of the user. Only the part before the space should be supplied. E.g. MA60 1FD should be entered as MA60 only.
ProfileImages ProfileUpdateImages The Profile Images of the user, including metadata such as the description and coordinates for the square profile images.
GenderID integer The ID of the gender of the user. Can be both a singular gender (male, female), or a couple. See GetGenders for a list of genders.
TVTS boolean Specify whether the user is TV/TS.
OrientationID integer The ID of the orientation of the user. See GetOrientations for a list of orientations.
EnjoysList string of comma-seperated integers The IDs of the Enjoys of the user. See GetEnjoys for a list of Enjoys.
EnjoysWithList string of comma-seperated integers The IDs of the Genders that the user enjoys doing things with. See GetGenders for a list of genders.
InCalls boolean Specify whether the user is offering In-Call escort services. This is further specified by InCallRates.
OutCalls boolean Specify whether the user is offering Out-Call escort services. This is further specified by OutCallRates.
CurrencyID integer The CurrencyID that the user wishes to use for their custom-set prices. See GetCurrencies for a list of currencies.
InCallRates ProfileUpdateEscortRates The escort rates the user has supplied for his/her In-Call escort services, specified in the currency set as CurrencyID. Only applies if InCalls is true.
OutCallRates ProfileUpdateEscortRates The escort rates the user has supplied for his/her Out-Call escort services, specified in the currency set as CurrencyID. Only applies if OutCalls is true.
Contact ProfileContactOverview The contact info relevant for the user, and whether the user will show certain parts of that information.
DateOfBirth date The date of birth of the user, specified in DD-MM-YYYY format.
Culture string The language and culture which the user prefers having information displayed in. Should contain both the language and region code. For example, en-GB.

Group manager

If the authenticated user is the manager of a group, the user can impersonate another member of the group. This allows the manager to perform tasks of other group members without having to authenticate as them.

The request can be build in the same way as the regular request, but targeted towards the Group manager endpoint. Additionally, it has the following extra parameters:

UserID integer Required. The ID of a member in the group that will be impersonated for this request.

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

Parameters can be passed to this operation using the HTTP PUT method with serialized JSON in the request body.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.


An Authorization header is required with every request and must contain the access_token of the user. More information can be found in the Access tokens page.


This endpoint requires the following scopes:



PUT method


Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}
    "Summary": "This is my profile, hope you enjoy it!",
    "Details": "Welcome to my profile! I hope that you'll enjoy looking through it, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me!"

PUT as Group manager


Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}
    "UserID": 123456,
    "Summary": "This is my profile, hope you enjoy it!",
    "Details": "Welcome to my profile! I hope that you'll enjoy looking through it, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me!"


The API will return the following model when it has been modified. If no data has been modified the body will be empty and the HTTP Status Code will be 304 (Not Modified).

UserID integer The ID of the updated user.
Summary string The About You summary of the user's profile.
Details string The About You details of the user's profile.
RegionID integer The ID of the region in which the user is located. See GetRegions for a list of regions.
CountyID integer The ID of the county in which the user is located. See GetCounties for a list of counties.
Town string The name of the town or city in which the user is located.
PostCode string The (first part of the) PostCode of the user.
ProfileImages ProfileUpdateImages The Profile Images of the user, including metadata such as the description and coordinates for the square profile images.
GenderID integer The ID of the gender of the user. Can be both a singular gender (male, female), or a couple. See GetGenders for a list of genders.
TVTS boolean Whether the user is TV/TS.
OrientationID integer The ID of the orientation of the user. See GetOrientations for a list of orientations.
EnjoysList string of comma-seperated integers The IDs of the Enjoys of the user. See GetEnjoys for a list of Enjoys.
EnjoysWithList string of comma-seperated integers The IDs of the Genders that the user enjoys doing things with. See GetGenders for a list of genders.
InCalls boolean Whether the user is offering In-Call escort services. This is further specified by InCallRates.
OutCalls boolean Whether the user is offering Out-Call escort services. This is further specified by OutCallRates.
CurrencyID integer The CurrencyID that the user wishes to use for their custom-set prices. See GetCurrencies for a list of currencies.
InCallRates ProfileUpdateEscortRates The escort rates the user has supplied for his/her In-Call escort services, specified in the currency set as CurrencyID. Only applies if InCalls is true.
OutCallRates ProfileUpdateEscortRates The escort rates the user has supplied for his/her Out-Call escort services, specified in the currency set as CurrencyID. Only applies if OutCalls is true.
Contact ProfileContactOverview The contact info relevant for the user, and whether the user is showing certain parts of that information.
DateOfBirth date The date of birth of the user, specified in DD-MM-YYYY format.
GroupID integer The ID of the group that the user is part of.
Culture string The language and culture which the user prefers to have information displayed in. Contains both the language and region code. For example, en-GB.

Response Sample

The following example shows the result that's returned by the API.

    "UserID": 12345,
    "Summary": "This is my profile, hope you enjoy it!",
    "Details": "Welcome to my profile! I hope that you'll enjoy looking through it, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me!",
    "CountyID": 1234,
    "RegionID": 150,
    "Town": "London",
    "PostCode": "SE1",
    "ProfileImages": null,
    "GenderID": 1,
    "TVTS": false,
    "OrientationID": 1,
    "EnjoysList": "1,2,3",
    "EnjoysWithList": "1,2",
    "InCalls": true,
    "OutCalls": false,
    "CurrencyID": 28,
    "InCallRates": {
        "Min15": 25,
        "Min30": 40,
        "Min60": 70,
        "Min90": 100,
        "Min120": 130,
        "Min180": 190,
        "Min240": 250,
        "Overnight": 410
    "OutCallRates": {
        "Min15": null,
        "Min30": null,
        "Min60": null,
        "Min90": null,
        "Min120": null,
        "Min180": null,
        "Min240": null,
        "Overnight": null
    "Contact": {
        "ShowEmailAddress": false,
        "AutoResponse": true,
        "AutoResponseText": "Hey! I will respond to you as soon as I can, please be patient! ^-^",
        "Signature": false,
        "SignatureText": "Yours truly,",
        "MobileNumber": "4412345678",
        "ShowMobileNumber": false,
        "PhoneChatNumber": "4412345678",
        "PhoneChatPrice": 0.45,
        "ShowPhoneChatNumber": false,
        "AcceptSMS": false
    "DateOfBirth": "29-12-1998",
    "GroupID": 123,
    "Culture": "en-GB"
<UpdateOutputModel xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Account">
    <Contact xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Contact">
        <d2p1:AutoResponseText>Hey! I will respond to you as soon as I can, please be patient! ^-^</d2p1:AutoResponseText>
        <d2p1:SignatureText>Yours truly,</d2p1:SignatureText>
    <Details>Welcome to my profile! I hope that you'll enjoy looking through it, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me!</Details>
    <InCallRates xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Rates">
        <d2p1:Min120>130<d2p1:Min120 />
        <d2p1:Min15>25<d2p1:Min15 />
        <d2p1:Min180>190<d2p1:Min180 />
        <d2p1:Min240>250<d2p1:Min240 />
        <d2p1:Min30>40<d2p1:Min30 />
        <d2p1:Min60>70<d2p1:Min60 />
        <d2p1:Min90>100<d2p1:Min90 />
        <d2p1:Overnight>410<d2p1:Overnight />
    <OutCallRates xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Rates">
        <d2p1:Min120 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Min15 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Min180 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Min240 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Min30 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Min60 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Min90 i:nil="true" />
        <d2p1:Overnight i:nil="true" />
    <ProfileImages xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile" i:nil="true" />
    <Summary>This is my profile, hope you enjoy it!</Summary>