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Verify Credentials

Use this method to get an AdultWork.com user object and test if the credentials are valid.

URL / Endpoint

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GET /v1/account/verifyCredentials


This operation does not accept any parameters.

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

This endpoint is using the HTTP GET method.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.


An Authorization header is required with every request and must contain the access_token of the user. More information can be found in the Access tokens page.


This endpoint does not require any additional scopes.


GET method


Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}


UserID integer The ID of the AdultWork.com user profile. This is the primary means of identifying a profile.
EmailAddress string The email address of the AdultWork.com member. This will be returned if the webmaster requested this scope and the user accepted that request.
IsAgeVerified boolean Indicates if the AdultWork.com member has its age verified. This will be returned if the webmaster requested this scope and the user accepted that request.
GroupID integer Indicates the group id the AdultWork.com member is a member of. This will be returned if the webmaster requested the account_information scope and the user accepted that request.
GroupName string Indicates the name of the group the AdultWork.com member is a member of. This will be returned if the webmaster requested the account_information scope and the user accepted that request.
IsGroupManager boolean Indicates if the AdultWork.com member is the manager of the group. This will be returned if the webmaster requested the account_information scope and the user accepted that request.
UserTypeID integer Indicates the type of user. Offering or Seeking services. This will be returned if the webmaster requested the account_information scope and the user accepted that request.
UserType string Indicates the type of user. Offering or Seeking services. This will be returned if the webmaster requested the account_information scope and the user accepted that request.
Scopes Array of strings This contains all names of the scopes the user accepted.

Response Sample

The following example shows the AdultWork.com user object.

"UserID": 123456,
"EmailAddress": "JosepheneBlogs@JosepheneBlogs.com",
"IsAgeVerified": true,
"GroupID": 123456,
"GroupName": "MyGroup",
"IsGroupManager": true,
"UserTypeID": 1,
"UserType": "Offering Services",
"Scopes": [