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Create Escort Booking

This API operation creates a new escort booking for the authenticated user. Please first check if the user can book for free on the current day by calling the CanBookForFreeToday endpoint.

URL / Endpoint

Need help with Postman?

POST /v1/Bookings/CreateBooking


BookUserID integer Required. The user you wish to book.
FirstName string Required. The first name of the user that is creating this booking. The maximum length is 50.
LastName string The last name of the user that is creating this booking. The maximum length is 50.
ContactNumber string Required. Represents the number of the contact can be reached on. The minimum length is 8 and the maximum length is 50. Must be a number.
ContactOn date Required. Represents the date of when the contact can be contacted. The ContactOn must be in the future and must be before the MeetStartDate Format: dd-MM-YYYY.
ContactOnStartTime string Required. Represents the start time of when the contact can be contacted. Format HH:mm.
ContactOnEndTime string Required. Represents the end time of when the contact can be contacted. Format HH:mm.
MeetStartDate date Required. Represents the date of when the starting of the meeting will take place. The MeetStartDate must be in the future, after the ContactOn and before MeetEndDate. Format: dd-MM-YYYY.
MeetStartTime string Required. Represents the time of when the starting of the meeting will take place. Format HH:mm.
MeetEndDate date Required. Represents the date of when the meeting will end. The MeetEndDate must be after the MeetStartDate. Format: dd-MM-YYYY.
MeetEndTime string Required. Represents the time of when the meeting will end. Format HH:mm.
IsInCall boolean Represents if this should be an In-Call type of booking. Required if IsOutCall is null.
IsOutCall boolean Represents if this should be an Out-Call type of booking. Required if IsInCall is null.
ProposedFee decimal Required. Represents the proposed fee for the meeting.
Address1 string Represents the address of where the Out-Call should take place.
Address2 string Represents the address of where the Out-Call should take place.
Town string Represents the town of where the Out-Call should take place. Required if IsOutCall is true.
PostCode string Represents the PostCode of where the Out-Call should take place.
Comments string The comments the booked user is able to see.

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

Parameters can be passed to this operation using the HTTP POST method with serialized JSON in the request body.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.


An Authorization header is required with every request and must contain the access_token of the user. More information can be found in the Access tokens page.


This endpoint requires the following scope:



POST method


Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}

  "BookUserID" : 123456,
  "FirstName" : "Booking",
  "LastName" : "User",
  "ContactNumber" : 0123456789,
  "ContactOn" : "01-01-2018",
  "ContactOnStartTime" :"12:00",
  "ContactOnEndTime" :"14:00",
  "MeetStartDate"  :"02-01-2018",
  "MeetStartTime" : "10:00",
  "MeetEndDate" :  "02-01-2018",
  "MeetEndTime" :  "12:00",
  "IsInCall" : true,
  "IsOutCall" : false,
  "ProposedFee" : 250


BookingID integer The ID of the booking.
FreeBookingsLeft integer Indicates the amount of bookings the user can make for free.
ChargeApplied boolean Indicates if there was a charge applied to create the booking.

Response Sample

The following example returns data.

    "BookingID": 1,
    "FreeBookingsLeft": 2,
    "ChargeApplied": false
<BookingCreateResult xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Bookings">