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Received Webcam Booking Details

This API operation will get the received bookings of a performing authenticated user.

URL / Endpoint

Need help with Postman?

GET /v1/Webcam/ReceivedBookingDetails

GET /v1/Groups/Webcam/ReceivedBookingDetails (See Group manager)


BookingID integer Required. The ID of the webcam booking.

Group manager

If the authenticated user is the manager of a group, the user can impersonate another member of the group. This allows the manager to perform tasks of other group members without having to authenticate as them.

The request can be build in the same way as the regular request, but targeted towards the Group manager endpoint. Additionally, it has the following extra parameters:

UserID integer Required. The ID of a member in the group that will be impersonated for this request.

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

Parameters can be passed to this operation using the HTTP GET method by passing parameters over the query string of the URI.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.


An Authorization header is required with every request and must contain the access_token of the user. More information can be found in the Access tokens page.


This endpoint requires the following scope:



GET method


Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}

GET as Group manager

?UserID=123456 &BookingID=1

Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}


WebcamBookingID integer The ID of the webcambooking.
Duration integer The duration in minutes.
Credits decimal The amount of credits offered.
Status string The status of the webcam booking. Possible values are:
IsMulitple boolean Indicates if this bookings has been sent to other users as well.
SoftwareTypeID integer The type of software the client wants to use. Possible values are: 1 for MSN Messenger, 2 for Yahoo Messenger and 3 for Skype.
SignInNameOrEmail string The sign-in name or email address of the performer.
AlsoPhoneChat boolean Indicates if this booking was requested as a PhoneChat as well.
CreateDate datetime Represents the date and time of when this booking was made.
SessionDate datetime Represents the date and time of when this webcam session should take place.
AcceptBy datetime Represents the date and time before this webcam booking needs to be accepted.
AcceptedDate datetime Represents the date and time of when this webcam session was accepted.
ConfirmedDate datetime Represents the date and time of when this webcam session was confirmed.
CancelledDate datetime Represents the date and time of when this webcam session was cancelled.
CancelledReason string Represents the reason why this webcam booking was rejected.
CancelledBy string Represents the Nickname of the user that cancelled this webcam booking.
RejectedReason string Represents the reason why this webcam booking has been rejected.
LastUpdated datetime Represents the date and time of when this webcam session was last updated.
Client aws:WebcamBookingClient Represents the client user who created the booking.

Response Sample

The following example shows the data returned from the sample above.

    "WebcamBookingID": 1,
    "Duration": 10,
    "Credits": 10,
    "Status": "Pending",
    "IsMulitple": true,
    "SoftwareTypeID": 3,
    "SignInNameOrEmail": "PerformingUserOnSkype",
"AlsoPhoneChat": true, "CreateDate": "2018-01-01T11:00",
"SessionDate": "2018-02-01T12:00",
"AcceptBy": "2018-02-01T00:00",
"AcceptedDate": null, "ConfirmedDate": null, "CancelledDate": null, "CancelledReason": null, "CancelledBy": null, "RejectedReason": null, "LastUpdated": null, "Client": { "UserID": 123456, "Nickname": "JosepheneBlogs",
"LastAccessedFrom": "UK", "SignInNameOrEmail": null,
"PhoneNumber": null,
"Total": 6, "Positive": 7, "Neutral": 1, "Negative": 0, "Ratings": 8, "Disputes": 0 } }
<WebcamBooking xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Webcam.Received">
    <AcceptedDate i:nil="true" />
    <CancelledBy i:nil="true" />
    <CancelledDate i:nil="true" />
    <CancelledReason i:nil="true" />
        <Disputes xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile">0</Disputes>
        <Negative xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile">0</Negative>
        <Neutral xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile">1</Neutral>
        <Positive xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile">7</Positive>
        <Ratings xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile">8</Ratings>
        <Total xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile">6</Total>
        <PhoneNumber i:isnil="true" />
        <SignInNameOrEmail i:isnil="true" />
    <ConfirmedDate i:nil="true" />
    <LastUpdated i:nil="true" />
    <RejectedReason i:nil="true" />