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Search Tours

Use this API operation to return a list of Tours on the criteria you pass in.

URL / Endpoint

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GET /v1/search/searchTours


PageSize integer Sets the number of tours on each page of the result set. Accepts values from 1 to 100. Default is 50.
PageNumber integer Returns a specific page in the result set. Accepts values from 1 onwards.
UserID integer The User ID of the AdultWork.com member profile you wish the API to return the tours of.
GenderID integer The Gender ID of the AdultWork.com member profile you wish the API to return the tours of.
OrientationID integer The Orientation ID of the AdultWork.com member profile you wish the API to return the tours of.
MinAge integer The minimun age of the AdultWork.com member profile you wish the API to return the tours of.
MaxAge integer The maximum age of the AdultWork.com member profile you wish the API to return the tours of.
CountryID integer Required. Returns tours from the Country to which CountyID relates. See the getCountries method.
RegionID integer Required. Returns tours from the Region to which RegionID relates. See the getRegions method.
CountyID integer Returns tours from the County to which CountyID relates. See the getCounties method.
Town string Returns tours from the Town which name contains the supplied text.
TourDateFrom datetime The start date of which the tours took place. Format is yyyy-MM-dd
TourDateTo datetime The end date of which the tours took place. Format is yyyy-MM-dd
LocationProximityMiles integer Distance in miles from Postcode/Zipcode of which the tours took place. From 1 - 99. LocationZipCode required.
LocationProximityKilometres integer Distance in kilometres from Postcode/Zipcode of which the tours took place. From 1 - 159. LocationZipCode required. If a value is also set in LocationProximityMiles that property will take presidence.
LocationZipCode string Returns tours within a specified number of miles from the Postcode/Zipcode supplied. LocationProximityMiles required.

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

Parameters can be passed to this operation using the HTTP GET method by passing parameters over the query string of the URI.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.

This endpoint has the following optional headers:

X-MaskImages 1 What's this?


Your API-Key is required with every request and can be passed in as a header or a query-string parameter. Don't have an API-Key? Get one now.


GET method



PageCount integer Represents the total number of pages in the result set.
PageNumber integer Represents the current page number.
TourTotal integer Represents the total number of tours in the result set.
PageSize integer Represents how many tours are listed on each page.
Tours Array of aws:Tour List of tours data.

Response Sample

The following example returns a single tour.

  "PageNumber": 1,
  "PageCount": 1,
  "PageSize": 50,
  "TourTotal": 1,
  "Tours": [
      "TourID": 1,
      "User": {
        "UserID": 123456,
        "Nickname": "JosepheneBlogs",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Age": 21,
        "IsEscort": true,
        "IsWebcam": false,
        "IsPhoneChat": false,
        "IsSMSChat": true,
        "AvailableTodayEscort": true,
        "AvailableNowWebcam": false,
        "AvailableNowPhoneChat": false,
        "ProfileThumbnailSafe": false,
"ProfileThumbnailURL": null, "ProfileURL": "http://refer.adultwork.com/?PID=1&T=http%3a%2f%2fwww.adultwork.com%2f123456", "RatingsURL": "http://refer.adultwork.com/?PID=1&T=http%3a%2f%2fwww.adultwork.com%2fdlgExtRatings.asp%3fU%3d123456", "Orientation": "Bi-curious" }, "Title": "My first Tour", "Details": "Hey guys - check out my first tour!", "StartDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2016-06-01T00:00:00", "Stops": 1, "TourStops": [ { "StopID": 1, "DateFrom": "2016-01-01T00:00:00", "DateTo": "2016-06-01T00:00:00", "Country": "United Kingdom", "Region": "London", "County": "Ealing", "Town": "London", "PostCode": "W11", "Details": "24/7 available" } ] } ] }
            <Details>Hey guys - check out my first tour!</Details>
            <Title>My First Tour</Title>
                    <Country>United Kingdom</Country>
                    <Details>24/7 available</Details>
                <Age >21</Age>
                <AvailableNowWebcam >false</AvailableNowWebcam>
                <AvailableTodayEscort >true</AvailableTodayEscort>
<IsEscort >true</IsEscort> <IsPhoneChat>false</IsPhoneChat> <IsSMSChat>false</IsSMSChat> <IsWebcam >false</IsWebcam> <Nickname >JosepheneBlogs</Nickname> <Ratings xmlns:d5p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile"> <d5p1:Disputes>0</d5p1:Disputes> <d5p1:Negative>1</d5p1:Negative> <d5p1:Neutral>0</d5p1:Neutral> <d5p1:Positive>34</d5p1:Positive> <d5p1:Ratings>29</d5p1:Ratings> <d5p1:Total>33</d5p1:Total> </Ratings> <UserID >123456</UserID>
<ProfileThumbnailSafe>false</ProfileThumbnailSafe> <ProfileThumbnailURL i:isnil="true" /> <ProfileURL>http://refer.adultwork.com/?PID=1&T=http%3a%2f%2fwww.adultwork.com%2f123456</ProfileURL> <RatingsURL>http://refer.adultwork.com/?PID=1&T=http%3a%2f%2fwww.adultwork.com%2fdlgExtRatings.asp%3fU%3d123456</RatingsURL> <Orientation>Bi-curious</Orientation> </User> </Tour> </Tours>