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Update Scheduled Show

This API operation updates a scheduled DirectCam show for the user.

URL / Endpoint

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PUT /v1/DirectCam/UpdateScheduledShow

PUT /v1/Groups/DirectCam/UpdateScheduledShow (See Group manager)


ScheduledID integer Required. The ID of the scheduled DirectCam show.
ScheduledDate datetime Required. The date of when the show is taking place. Note: Must be in the future. The minutes can only be one of the following: 00, 15, 30, 45. Format: YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm.
EstimatedLengthInMinutes integer Required. The estimated amount of minutes the show will take. Possible values are: 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120. Make sure it does not conflict with existing scheduled shows. See the getScheduledShowsForUser endpoint.
Title string Required. The maximum length is 50 characters.
WebcamCategoryID integer Required. The DirectCam category ID. See the getDirectcamCategories method.
Summary string Required. This should state the theme of your show, e.g. "Sindy does food sex" or "Jenny's first day in the office". The maximum length is 50 characters.
Image string A picture that relates to the show you are scheduling. This has to be a valid 64 base encoded string of an image.
Details string Describe in full what will be on offer in the show and what you have planned to take place. e.g. "Jenny plans to seduce her boss on her first day in the office. Starting off with some fully clothed fun, a slow and sensual strip tease, ending with two extremely sexy people satisfying each other.". It supports BBCode.

Group manager

If the authenticated user is the manager of a group, the user can impersonate another member of the group. This allows the manager to perform tasks of other group members without having to authenticate as them.

The request can be build in the same way as the regular request, but targeted towards the Group manager endpoint. Additionally, it has the following extra parameters:

UserID integer Required. The ID of a member in the group that will be impersonated for this request.

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

Parameters can be passed to this operation using the HTTP PUT method with serialized JSON in the request body.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.


An Authorization header is required with every request and must contain the access_token of the user. More information can be found in the Access tokens page.


This endpoint requires the following scope:



PUT method

Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}
  "ScheduledID" : 1,
  "ScheduledDate" : "2018-01-01 22:00",
  "EstimatedLengthInMinutes" : 30,
  "Title" : "Jenny's first day in the office",
  "WebcamCategoryID" : 18,
  "Summary" : "Jenny's first day in the office",
  "Details" : "Jenny plans to seduce her boss on her first day in the office. Starting off with some fully clothed fun, a slow and sensual strip tease, ending with two extremely sexy people satisfying each other.",
  "Image" : "iVBOR....."

PUT as Group manager

Authorization: bearer {your-access-token}
  "UserID": 123456,
  "ScheduledID" : 1,
  "ScheduledDate" : "2018-01-01 22:00",
  "EstimatedLengthInMinutes" : 30,
  "Title" : "Jenny's first day in the office",
  "WebcamCategoryID" : 18,
  "Summary" : "Jenny's first day in the office",
  "Details" : "Jenny plans to seduce her boss on her first day in the office. Starting off with some fully clothed fun, a slow and sensual strip tease, ending with two extremely sexy people satisfying each other.",
  "Image" : "iVBOR....."


ScheduleID integer ID of the direct cam scheduled show.
Title string The title of the DirectCam Scheduled Show.
Summary string The summary of the DirectCam Scheduled Show.
Details string The details of the DirectCam Scheduled Show.
EstimatedLengthInMinutes integer The estimated duration of the DirectCam Scheduled Show.
CategoryID integer The ID of the Child category. See the getDirectCamCategories method.
ScheduledDate datetime The scheduled date of when the show will take place.
Interests integer The amount of users who have set the option to receive an email or sms a period of time before the show starts.
DateBlocked boolean Indicates if this show rescheduled. If this value is true it cannot be rescheduled.
Credits decimal The price per minute (in Credits) of the show.
UserID integer The ID of the AdultWork.com user profile. This is the primary means of identifying a profile.
Nickname string The nickname of the user.
ProfileRatings aws:ProfileRatings The member's AdultWork.com Ratings score in detail.

Note: Performers will never be in any of the four main parent categories alone and will always be part of one of their respective child categories.

Response Sample

The following example returns a successful scheduled show.

  "ScheduleID": 1,
  "Title": "Jenny's first day in the office",
  "Summary": "Jenny's first day in the office",
  "Details": "Jenny plans to seduce her boss on her first day in the office. Starting off with some fully clothed fun, a slow and sensual strip tease, ending with two extremely sexy people satisfying each other.",
  "EstimatedLengthInMinutes": 30,
  "CategoryID": 18,
  "ScheduledDate": "2018-01-01T22:00:00",
"Interests": 0, "DateBlocked": false, "Credits": 1.5, "UserID": 123456, "Nickname": "JosepheneBlogs", "Ratings": { "Total":33, "Positive":34, "Neutral":0, "Negative":1, "Ratings":35, "Disputes":0 } }
<ScheduledShow xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.DirectCam">
    <Details>Jenny plans to seduce her boss on her first day in the office. Starting off with some fully clothed fun, a slow and sensual strip tease, ending with two extremely sexy people satisfying each other.</Details>
<Ratings xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Profile"> <d2p1:Disputes>0</d2p1:Disputes> <d2p1:Negative>1</d2p1:Negative> <d2p1:Neutral>0</d2p1:Neutral> <d2p1:Positive34</d2p1:Positive> <d2p1:Ratings>35</d2p1:Ratings> <d2p1:Total>34</d2p1:Total> </Ratings> <ScheduleID>1</ScheduleID> <ScheduledDate>2018-01-01T22:00:00</ScheduledDate> <Summary>Jenny's first day in the office</Summary> <Title>Jenny's first day in the office</Title> <UserID>123456</UserID> </ScheduledShow>