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This API operation returns the details of the group based on the GroupID passed in.

URL / Endpoint

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GET /v1/groups/getGroupDetails


GroupID integer Required if GroupName is null. The Group ID of the AdultWork.com group you wish the API to return.
GroupName string Required if GroupID is null. The name of the AdultWork.com group.
ReturnDetails boolean If set to true, the details are returned. Default is false.
ReturnImages boolean If set to true, the images are returned. Default is false.
ReturnOpeningHours boolean If set to true, the opening hours are returned. Default is false.
ReturnMembers boolean If set to true, the members of the group are returned. Default is false.
ReturnMemberImages boolean If set to true, the images of the members are returned. Default is false.
ReturnMemberEscortRates boolean If set to true, the escort rates of the members are returned. Default is false.
MembersPerPage integer Sets the number of members on each page of the result set. Accepts values from 1 to 100. Default is 50.
PageNumber integer Returns a specific page in the result set. Accepts values from 1 onwards.
OrderBy string Sets the order in which the profiles will be returned. Default is Last Updated date. Order options are rating, ratingtotal, registerdate, views, inrates-asc,inrates-desc, outrates-asc,outrates-desc, age-asc,age-desc, nickname-asc, nickname-desc, lastupdated

Request Information

HTTP Method / Verb

Parameters can be passed to this operation using the HTTP GET method by passing parameters over the query string of the URI.


The REST API uses HTTP request headers to determine what data type is returned or to authenticate the developer's API key. More information can be found in the overview section.

This endpoint has the following optional headers:

X-MaskImages 1 What's this?


Your API-Key is required with every request and can be passed in as a header or a query-string parameter. Don't have an API-Key? Get one now.

An Authorization header is optional with every request and must contain the access_token of the group manager.


GET method



Group aws:Group The AdultWork.com group data.
HasDetails boolean If set to true data for details will be populated.
Details string The group details. This text may be split into tabs.
HasImages boolean If set to true data for Images will be populated.
Images aws:GroupImages The images used by the group.
HasOpeningHours boolean If set to true data for opening hours will be populated.
OpeningHours aws:GroupOpeningHours The opening hours of the group. This will only be populated when the group is an Establishment. See the getGroupTypes method.
HasMembers boolean If set to true member data will be populated.
PageNumber integer Represents the current page number.
PageCount integer Represents the total number of pages in the result set.
MembersTotal integer Represents the total number of member profiles in the result set.
MembersPerPage integer Represents how many member profiles are listed on each page.
Members Array of aws:GroupMember The list of member data.

Response Sample

The following example returns a group.

"Group": {
"GroupID": 1,
"Name": "AdultWork.com group",
"Summary": "A group of your dreams.",
"PhoneNumber": null,
"ShowPhoneNumber": false,
"Members": 15,
"TotalRating": 210,
"Escorts": 8,
"WebcamPerformers": 1,
"PhoneChatProviders": 5,
"SMSChatProviders": 1,
"ManagerID": 123456,
"IsAgency": false,
"ShowGroupRates": false,
"GroupType": {
"GroupTypeID": 2,
"GroupTypeName": "Sauna",
"IsEstablishment": true,
"IsAgency": false,
"IsChatWebcam": false,
"IsContent": false,
"IsEvents": false,
"IsUnclassified": false
"GroupRates": {
"Currency": "GBP",
"BookingFee": 1.11,
"Booking30": 2.22,
"Booking60": 3.33,
"Booking120": 4.44
"GroupMenus": {
"Menu1Name": "TOURING EVENTS",
"Menu1Content": "ALL TOURING PARTIES ARE £100 to £120 PER 2 HOURS PER GENT.",
"Menu1Price": 100,
"Menu2Name": null,
"Menu2Content": null,
"Menu2Price": null,
"Menu3Name": null,
"Menu3Content": null,
"Menu3Price": null,
"Menu4Name": null,
"Menu4Content": null,
"Menu4Price": null
"Country": "United Kingdom",
"Region": "Northern Ireland",
"County": "Londonderry",
"Town": "Gulladuff",
"PostCode": "BT45 8",
"AddressLine1": "Gulladuff Hill 9",
"AddressLine2": null,
"DirectionsByFoot": null,
"DirectionsByCar": null,
"DirectionsByTrain": null,
"DirectionsByBus": null
"HasDetails": false,
"Details": null,
"HasImages": false,
"Images": null,
"HasOpeningHours": false,
"OpeningHours": null,
"HasMembers": false,
"PageNumber": 1,
"PageCount": 1,
"MembersTotal": 0,
"MembersPerPage": 0,
"Members": null
<GroupDetailsResult xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/API.Models.Groups">
<Details i:nil="true" />
<AddressLine1>Gulladuff Hill 9</AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2 i:nil="true" />
<Country>United Kingdom</Country>
<DirectionsByBus i:nil="true" />
<DirectionsByCar i:nil="true" />
<DirectionsByFoot i:nil="true" />
<DirectionsByTrain i:nil="true" />
<Menu1Content>TOURING EVENTS</Menu1Content>
<Menu1Name>ALL TOURING PARTIES ARE £100 to £120 PER 2 HOURS PER GENT.<Menu1Name>
<Menu2Content i:nil="true" />
<Menu2Name i:nil="true" />
<Menu2Price i:nil="true" />
<Menu3Content i:nil="true" />
<Menu3Name i:nil="true" />
<Menu3Price i:nil="true" />
<Menu4Content i:nil="true" />
<Menu4Name i:nil="true" />
<Menu4Price i:nil="true" />
<Name>AdultWork.com group</Name>
<PhoneNumber i:nil="true" />
<PostCode>BT45 8</PostCode>
<Region>Northern Ireland</Region>
<Summary>A group of your dreams.</Summary>
<Images i:nil="true" />
<Members i:nil="true" />
<OpeningHours i:nil="true" />